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Student Engagement Resources 


Research Articles 


1. Strengthening Student Engagement: What do Students Want (and what really motivates them)?


2. Why Students Check Out (and How We Can Check Them Back In) 


3. AIR 13 BARR Validation Study Student Survey Results  


4. What Golf Can Teach You about Mastering Motivation (even if you don’t play) 




1. Engage Kids with 7 Times the Effect 


2. Ways School Leaders Can Build Student Engagement


3. Wabash Valley (Indiana) Education Center 


Resource Websites, Video, & Journals 


1. National Survey on Student Engagement (NSSE) Website 


2. Strategies for Increasing Student Engagement 


3. Authentic Student Engagement- Part 1 


4. How to Engage Underperforming Students (Edutopia) 


5. Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future 




1. Handbook of Student Engagement, edited by Sandra L. Christenson, Amy L. Reschly, and Cathy Wylie, 2012  Full-text PDF 

2. The Highly Engaged Classroom, by Robert Marzano, Debra J. Pickering, with: Tammy Heflebower, 2010 

3. Engagement by Design: Creating Learning Environments Where Students Thrive, by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Russell J. Quaglia, Dominique Smith, and Lisa L Lande, 2017 

4. The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention, Engagement, and Perseverance, by Gayle Gregory and Martha Kaufeldt, 2015 

5. Flipped Learning, by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, 2015 

6. 20 Strategies for Increasing Student Engagement, by William N. Bender and Robert J. Marzano, 2017




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